Monday, October 17, 2011

Musing - a calm, lengthy, intent consideration

I desperately want sleep, the sugar high I'm on will not allow my brain to shut down; it's five in the morning and all I can think is, I should start a blog. I want a place where I can not only show off the fun stuff that I do to my family and friends, but also so that I can keep a personal record of who I am, who I become and the journey that I take to get there; and lets be honest, if no one ever reads this it isn't the end of my world, this is mostly for me anyway. Really all I want is a record of the things that I have done and will do, and the experiences that I will have on my road to becoming who I want to be and how I want to live each day. The problem is I want to do a lot, I want to learn a lot, and I want to see...well, everything. Now on a more realistic level I have several interests that I would like to pursue, some I have already begun to learn about and some that stand out on my gigantic list of things I have yet to do. Currently I am interested in many things, I love craft projects, cooking, gardening, photography, nature, reading, writing, movies, music, party planning, I'm doing my best to love working out, and I have been known to geek out to video games and science fiction, or spend hours on (addiction may be a better way to say this). I also have denied my inner girl for a very long time and I am finally attempting to set her free, it is a work in progress. Another work in progress is that my husband and I are trying to have a baby, no luck yet, but practice makes perfect. There are many other things in progress, but we will come to those another day. For now, just know that I am trying a little every day to do things that I enjoy, that help me grow and that lead me closer to my goals. Discovering daily, Me.

Now that I have rambled on for a bit, perhaps I should properly introduce myself. My name is Jennifer, I live in North Texas (currently), but my husband and I greatly hope in the few years that we will be able to move to Oregon, I'm sure there will be more on that later. I am thirty one years old and I have so much that I want to accomplish in life that I don't feel I should waste another minute. And I don't mean to say that there won't be days where my report to you is simply, 'hey guys, spent a beautiful day lounging on my couch watching TV and eating chocolate like it is going out of style'. Those days have value, and I am not giving them up. I have a day to day job, in an industry that I never intended on working in, and while I am very good at my job, it is not remotely what I want to do. I have a plan to take all my interests listed above and many others and turn it into a career. I will explain someday when I tell you about my plans for Oregon, but I feel it needs a full post (or a thousand) for you to truly understand how determined I am to make the life of MY dreams a reality. Life isn't perfect and bad things can, do , and will happen; trouble finds me, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to fight like mad to get what I want.

I have so much more I want to say, and if you are going to read this you should understand just how great I truly am at babbling and side tracks. I can only hope this website doesn't put a character cap on my posts, or there are going to be many multiple page entries. I know this because I have done one blog before on weight watchers, and almost every post I made I was told I had to shorten my entry. This is only short because I should really be in bed at this point. Next time I will explain the sugar high, and all the fun projects that I have done recently, as well as the ones I know are coming up; but now I require sleep.   

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