Saturday, November 19, 2011

Fabric Covered Buttons

Have you ever made a fabric covered button?  Well if you ever have a use for them, they are so easy to make.  Just buy a kit for the button size you want at the craft store, a bit of extra fabric, and anything else you need is probably lying around your house.

Here is a not so great picture of my kit (Size 36, 7/8")

Use the plastic template to choose where on the fabric you want the center of your button.  I just used a pen around the edges, no one will see them.  Cut out your circles.  Use button maker as directed on box.

Then try not to go CRAZY!  The following pictures may lead you to believe that I went button crazy, and alright you might have a point.  But so far, I have only made buttons that I needed for a project.  I can't tell you about the project yet, because it relates to some Christmas presents.  The buttons however are just a small part and won't give away the gifts, so I figure I'm safe showing you these.

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